Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hullo World

at about 530 am on September 1st 2005
time to get up -no alarm clock

view from by my bed

a panoramic view
sunrise still slightly north of due east

looking down and slightly right to the bus stop on Bosworth Drive

about an hour later after doing some email and opening my kitchen window for fresh air

on the seventh floor and looking at the new medical centre

breakfast is ready
multi vitamin pill from Boots
from my danish heart specialist
diuretic with 573mg potassium chloride
Ramopril 5mg
ACE inhibition
half a pint of water
rolled oats
skimmed milk

two pints of tea afterwards
(made by pouring boiling water through the 3 or 4 tea bags in the strainer)

I sit by the window on the hundred year old chair from my granny's kitchen at Usk

cushion from IKEA

after three hours my blood sugar has sunk and I feel tired almost faint, so I take a snack - a small fruit - a nectarine left out of the fridge for a couple of days to ripen - perfection sweet and juicy

sitting at my keyboard - see the nectarine in the left hand lower corner

click to enlarge on the monitor Family Tree Maker in the front window, the laptop with the dead screen after 5 years, news on the tv, open door to the hall, trousers hanging on the door, yellow IKEA sheets on the bed, a red T shirt

time for coffee
cheapest machine from ARGOS
wire mesh filter (no papers)
spice rack from ARGOS
diet food needs to taste good and varied

skim milk
coffee from LIDL
First Class
100% Arabica blended

drinking plenty of fluids when dieting helps avoid that nasty taste in your mouth and keeps the body working well

at the kitchen window again
1024 x 268 pixels if you click for full screen
3 snaps but the overlaps are not good

after two or three hours more
lunch 710 x 568 pixels
a big lump of rye bread or anything with 7% fibre
no butter or margerine but about two or three teaspons of low fat cottage cheese

half a raw onion sliced
iceberg lettuce


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