Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Danish Emigration Archives

I wanted to go to
Landsarkivet for Sjælland, Lolland-Falster og Bornholm to check an entry in The Danish Emigration Archives

The Danish parliament passed more stringent regulations on May 1, 1868. According to the new law, The Copenhagen Chief of Police was to approve and monitor all emigration agents in Denmark and authorize all overseas tickets made out in Denmark. This was to be done whether an emigrant would be traveling directly from Copenhagen to the United States or indirectly via another European harbor for destinations overseas. As an extra measure of control, all the information from each ticket was copied down in ledgers, and thus became the Copenhagen Police Records of Emigrants.
but that archive LAK was closed on MONDAYS

I see that the old horns on the tower of the Telephone House have all been replaced by dishes

Inside the main hall of Copenhagen Town Hall
and it is dressed for an exhibition

note the bright red of the Dannebrog split flags

and into the archives
wise owls

open Monday to Friday
and Saturday mornings in the winter

Københavns Stadsarkiv,
Københavns Rådhus,
København V

through this door I found the fiche I needed and much more

enæringsbrev kartoteket

begravelses protocol

afterwards this dazzling staircasde with brightly polished brass ballisters (ballusters balusters bannisters) bewitched my eyes.

above the front door

and out into a cold late afternoon in København Rådhusplads

"Archives of Danish Occupation History 1940-1945"
(Historisk Samling fra Besættelsestiden 1940-1945) is an institution which keeps archives from the time of the German occupation of Denmark and from the time immediate before and after this period. The institution is located at the university campus 3 kilometres from the centre of Esbjerg
or on the moon from my point of view

Niels Bohrs Vej 9


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