Tuesday, November 15, 2005

come in number seven

Just outside the polling station Leslie Arentoft braved the chilly wind to greet the voters

He has eight years as a kulturpolitiker and is on the Copenhagen town council and a committee member
Medlem af Kultur- og Fritidsudvalget
fungerende Kultur- og Fritidsborgmester
acting Mayor in charge of Culture and Recreation
Kandidat til Folketinget
and a wannabe member of the Danish Parliament, but what is his day job?
852 people voted for him personally last time

compare with the last Mayor Jens Kramer Mikkelsen (27.417 votes)

Venstre på Nørrebro: Kredsens Borgerrepræsentatanter

Nørrebro er ikke hele verden, men hele verden kommer til Nørrebro, vi er en multietnisk bydel med plads til alle.

then why are the web pages not also in arabic and urdu, not to mention english?

but he is missing on the party's homepage
Venstre - liberal politik, politikere og parti: venstre.dk



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