Thursday, August 03, 2006

Danish National Archives

up the cool stone stairs to the first floor

in the old warehouse formerely used for provisioning the danish royal navy about 400 years ago


a basic leaflet but I am into 1908 1914 to 1916

I received excellent help from the duty archivist

You have to learn to use an index register to the indexes

I have an outline of his career from the conscription records and now I am looking for the details.

then fill in a form starting FOARK

Fra omkring 1900 gik man over til stamblade og stamkort, der senere er blevet sorteret personbestemt og ikke enhedsbestemt som oplysningerne i stambøgerne.

sounds like I have ordered a lorry load of stuff OOPS

Daisy - Dansk Arkivalieinformationssystem
Find oplysninger om arkiver i Statens Arkivers samlinger
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Forsvarets Arkiver (FOARK), Det dansk-engelske Rekrutteringskontor 1945 to 1947 going back tomorrow !!

1785 1990 Det Kongelige Garnisonsbiblioteks Billedsamling

these files are just the old listing of the ministry of defence archives

I am looking for the service records of Karl Dane the hollywood film star

they are not filmed and warehoused out of town
allow three working days to get the documents

the reading room is on the first floor to the left and the door is the public entrance.


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