Tuesday, August 22, 2006

more research

this morning the painters started on the kitchen side of Blok G Brumleby

Changing the fluorescent ring in the pedestrian crossing sign

his colleague opened the box and turned off the electricity

secrets include two old style fuses

nearly done

NØRREPORT STATION, Copenhagen - I love the quality of the lettering North Gate station is underground


fruit stall in front of the old telephone box
but I walked down Nørregade

imported from England HABITAT
Nørregade 12
1165 København K
Tlf: 33 41 44 00 http://www.room.dk/
Hans Axelsson and Klas Litzén started the first R.O.O.M. store 15 years ago with a sincere interest for furniture, design or architecture. One thing was clear to them right from the beginning; if you really, really enjoy what you are doing, things will turn out just fine. The years passed, and Hans and Klas opened stores in Oslo (1997), Gothenburg (2001) and in Copenhagen (2003). http://www.room.se/ Stockholm and Gothenberg, Sweden

but surely not this garden furniture - note the rocking chair

alos from England and Lord Nelson cannon balls in the wall of the house opposite the burned cathedral the english destroyed

these kids photographed me so i snapped them - swedes I think

umbrella time when I came out of the Atheneum bookshop
after I purchased (together 1000 pages)
DEN STILLE PIGE by Peter Hoegh

danish children's books from 1578 to 1967
a boy in a monastry called a munkling
definitely my word of the day spiderling, duckling - and monkling?

atheneum international boghandelpsykologi, filosofi. pædagogik,english language teaching,engelsk, engelsk skønlitteratur, lingvistik, alternativ helselitteratur, anatomiske plancher, ...

the renaissance fountain in the old town square
and I sheltered at the bus stop

draft horses need to be exposed to traffic

but no beer barrels on that CARLSBERG brewers dray

wonderful paveur work, I have not seen that double pattern before

and bus drivers' hell in the medieaval street

In a cafe window

by this bridge to Slotsholm

Kanal Cafeen is frequented by civil servants on the way home from work at the nearby ministeries and a a traditional Danish lunch restaurant
from 1852
jævnligt haft besøg af naboerne på Christiansborg, men restauranten besøges også af turister, skuespillere og unge, som i frokostpausen finder vej til det danske smørrebrød og en opkvikkende snaps.

Kanal Cafeen Frederiksholms Kanal 18 1220 København K

the bridge has old railings but was raised on girders to let the district central heating be connected

the Armoury museum was closed and when I got in to Tøjhuset at 12:00 pm all the expert were on holiday for another two weeks
outside was Hennie Odendaal from South Africa, the detective, marksman. lecturer and collector of automatic weapons

the wooden horse is a traditional punishment
for peasants and soldiers

the other end of the same yard - after I took the long way round

the gable of the armoury from about 1588?
shown to the left in the painting I blogged previously where the Royal Library is

the Royal Library bridge
Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Nationalbibliotek og Københavns Universitetsbibliotek

8 chinese calligraphic styles

kalligrafisk stilarter a mini exhibition

I needed some old reference works on open shelves in the west reading room gallery

too blurred but Borum & Wulf Aps karosseri in Krak vejviser from 1930
I walked through the garden to Rigsarkivet but could not find them easily in the 1930 census without a street address

ducks are on the move to the library gardens

but would not let me get closer

from storage in Glostrup to the National Archives
I needed a wagon to move that lot into the reading room

stambog og stamblad brought out of storage from the FOARK Ministry of Defence archives
but for the 1. artilleri batteri or afdeling and I need the tenth but can't find it in the catalogue see stambog


today the bus got here first

blok G brumleby and the painters got a lot done before the rain

the vine has many bunches of grapes

honeysuckle in my garden

see my BLOOG

BTW this does not hurt very much 1 or 2 on a pain scale of 10 - muscle cramps score 7 or 8

why I got out of bed and blogged this


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