Saturday, August 05, 2006

where the Royal Library is

no time for a big blog today I was busy in the archives and writing up the results

detail of a mural on the stairs in Copenhagen Town Hall

on the left below the windmill on the city's wall is a large battery of cannons
this still exists under the large warehouse pictured yesterday in the background of the flat fountain fourth photo down in I love this library

the little square harbour has been fillled up and is the garden outside the national archives with the tall fountains in my blog post I love this library

the second photo shows the location of the harbour entrance aprox betweeen the two towers

therefore the statue on a pillar is about where the latest library has been built.

the long building behind the middle mast of the sailing ship was a provisions warehouse used by the Danish National Archives of today

the similar building to the left of the little square harbour is the Armoury Museum, Tøjhuset.

In the top right hand corner is the old Copenhagen Castle of which the foundations can still be seen in the cellar of the danish parliament palace Christiansborg.

The mural is based on an old engraving of a prospect of Copenhagen titled in latin:-
Hafnia urbs et caput Daniae est (Anglice Copenhagen, Danice).


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